Other Full Time Tracks at MBC: Fiddle, Guitar, Mandolin, Bass, Voice, & Tenor Banjo
For 2025, we have full-time “tracks” in several instruments other than 5-string banjo. Take all the classes offered for one instrument, take a few, or just dip in and out as the spirit moves you.
And – new this year – we also have a full-time program in voice!!
Scroll down to Find More Information on the Instrument Tracks and the Voice Track!!
Levels for our “other instrument” programs: Please be aware that all instruction in tenor banjo, fiddle, guitar, mandolin, and bass is likely to be at an intermediate level. Note that we DO NOT offer novice-level classes for any of these instruments (we only offer novice level classes for bluegrass banjo and old-time banjo).
Levels for our Voice Program. For our new voice program, any level of experience is welcome.

The MBC Old-Time Fiddle Track
We offer a full program in fiddle with one option during each class session. You can study fiddle full-time, part-time, or just take an occasional fiddle class. This track is recommended for fiddlers of any kind with at least one year’s experience, and for violinists with classical or jazz training who are interested in expanding their horizons. Our principal fiddle instructor for 2025 is Jane Rothfield. Fiddle classes will also be taught by Adam Hurt and Molly Tenenbaum.
Note: We DO NOT offer novice-level classes for fiddle (we only offer novice level classes for bluegrass banjo and old-time banjo).

The MBC Guitar Track
MBC offers a full program in flatpicking guitar, with one option during each class session. You can study flatpicking guitar full or part time, or just take the occasional class. Our principal flatpick guitar instructor for 2025 is Greg Blake of the Special Consensus bluegrass band. Other guitar classes will also be taught by Michael Miles, Alan Munde, and Keith Baumann.
What you need for this track. To be comfortable in our flatpick guitar track, you should already be able to strum in rhythm and change comfortably among the most basic “open position” guitar chords (C, G, D, A, E, etc.).
Note: We do NOT offer novice level classes for flatpick guitar (we only offer novice level classes for bluegrass banjo and old-time banjo).

The MBC Mandolin Track
MBC offers a full program in mandolin, with one option during each class session. You can study “mando” full-time, part- time, or simply take an occasional class. Our principal mandolin instructor for 2025 is Brian McCarty of the Special Consensus bluegrass band.. Other mandolin classes will be taught by Keith Baumann.
What you need for this track. To be comfortable in our mandolin track you should already be able to strum in rhythm and change comfortably among the most basic mandolin chords.
Note: We do NOT offer novice-level classes for mandolin (we only offer novice level classes for bluegrass banjo and old-time banjo).

The MBC Tenor Banjo Track
MBC offers a full program in tenor banjo, with one option during each class session. You can study tenor banjo (tuned CGDA) full-time, part-time, or simply take an occasional class. Our principal instructor for 2025 is Tyler Jackson. Other tenor banjo classes will be taught by Sam Bartlett and Keith Baumann.
What you need for this track. To be comfortable in our tenor banjo track, you should already be able to strum in rhythm using a pick and change comfortably among a few basic tenor banjo chord shapes.
Can I attend the MBC Tenor Banjo Program if I mostly play plectrum banjo? Our principal instructor tells us he is happy to also work with plectrum banjo players.
Tenor banjo and plectrum banjo. There are two very different kinds of 4-string banjos: tenor banjo and plectrum banjo. Tenor banjos have a much shorter scale-length than plectrum banjos, and are tuned in fifths like a cello (usually CGDA). Plectrum banjos have the same neck length as the 5-string banjo and are usually tuned about the same as 5-string; they have four long strings, and do not have a short drone string.
Note: We do NOT offer novice-level classes for tenor banjo (we only offer novice level classes for bluegrass banjo and old-time banjo).
Also Note: Almost all classes in the MBC 2025 tenor program are based on jazz-tenor tuning (CGDA). We offer one class in Irish-style tenor based on Irish style tenor tuning (GDAE).

Returning This Year: The MBC Bass Track
We now offer a full program in bass with one option during each class session. You can study bass full-time, part-time, or just take an occasional bass class. This track is recommended for bass players with at least one year’s experience. Our principal fiddle instructor for 2025 is Dan Eubanks of the Special Consensus bluegrass band. Other bass classes will be taught by Todd Kirchner.
What you need for this track. To be comfortable in our bass track, our principal instructor suggests that you should have mastered the following skills by the time Camp gets underway.
- Be able to tune the instrument
- Be at least a little familiar with playing pizzicato (plucking, not bowing the strings)
- Be able to play along with at least one song without stopping, either with a live group or with a band or artist on a recording.
- Be able to find the “root” notes for the three most basic chords in at least one key. For example, in the key of G the most common chords are G, C, and D; so you should be able to find the root notes G, C, and D on your bass.
Can I Bring My Electric Bass or Electric Bass Guitar? Yes, but you need to bring your own (small) amp.
Note: We DO NOT offer novice-level classes for bass (we only offer novice level classes for bluegrass banjo and old-time banjo).

New This Year: The MBC Voice Track
We now offer a full program in voice with one option during each class session. You can study voice full-time, part-time, or just take an occasional fiddle class. Our principal fiddle instructor for 2025 is Elizabeth Loring. Other classes in the program will be taught by IBMA Vocalist of the Year (and guitar instructor), Greg Blake and by producer/director (and banjo instructor) Michael Miles.
About the Voice Program. Participants in the Vocal Track will learn the mechanics of how the body produces sound, and do exercises to improve volume, tone, and pitch, with a special emphasis on overcoming stage fright and building confidence. Here are some other things you’ll learn or improve upon while participating in this program.
- How to sing duet and trio harmonies;
- How to sing convincingly in bluegrass, old-time, and “folk” singing styles; and how to develop your own authentic personal style
- How to improve microphone technique
- How to sing for extended periods of time while avoiding vocal-cord injuries
No experience required! This track is open to singers with any level of experience, including novices. Bluegrass, old-time, and folk styles will be emphasized, but most instruction will be useful for any style of singing.
Note: You will not be required to sing solo in front of the class but if you feel comfortable performing solo you will have that option.